Privacy policy

Spain Car S.A.

According to the Law 34/2002, of Information Society and E-Commerece Services, and to the current regulation in Personal Data Protection Law 15/1999 and Royal Decree 1720/2007, we inform you that our website’s ownership ( corresponds to the company SPAIN CAR S.A., hereafter “THE COMPANY“, with C.I.F nº A78322732 and social domicile in the Str. Poeta Joan Maragall, 55 (antigua Capitán Haya), (28020) Madrid, and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 1, 102, Folio 90, Sheet m-71353.

THE COMPANY guarantees the protection of all personal data the user provides in the website and, according to the compliance belonging to the Organic Law 15/1999, from the 13th December of Personal Data Protection, the Royal Decree 1720/2007 the 21st December and remaining regulation of the application, informs you that:

a) All the personal character data provided to THE COMPANY will be added to the folder “WEB USERS”, created and mantained under responsibility of THE COMPANY, properly registered in the Spanish Agency of Data Protection.

b) The data are gathered with the following purposes:

  • Solve inquiries or suggestions about the services provided by the company.
  • Request information about the Management and administrarion of vehicle floats, vehicles exploitation in shared use regime and vehicle renting.
  • Request information and manage the vehicle reservations.
  • Be informed about news of interest through the web.
  • Information about the available to purchase vehicles.

c) In the collection and processing of the personal data, the proper security requirements have been taken to avoid the loss, the non authorized access or the manipulation of these, according to the established in the Real Decree 1720/2007, 21st of December.

d)THE COMPANY is commited to protect the confidential information it has access to.

e)THE COMPANY will not use the personal data the user provides to give services different than in the b) point of this document, or in its case, to achieve own usage or different to the authorized by the owner of that data.

f) The user certifies that he is older than 14 years and therefore, he has the legal capacity for the permission regarding to the treatment of its personal data and all of this, according to the stablished in this Privacy Policy.

g)The user can always exercise the access, rectification, cancellation, oposition or revocation rights, according to the treatment of his personal data, sending THE COMPANY a duly signed letter to out postal address, previously indicated, with its contact details clearly featured and with a copy of its ID/NIF or a document to prove its identity.

h) The User authorizes the treatment of the personal data given, in the previously indicated terms.

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